
Sunday 22 February 2015

Apps updated to Material Design

My three existing Android apps;
  • Football Crest Quiz,
  • Tip Cal¢
  • and Charlie Foxtrot,
Finally got the Android 5.0 treatment. It was a little tricky to sort out the first update, but the other two were similar after that.

I'm most proud of the update to Charlie Foxtrot. I like the colouring of the app. I really hate the search icon.

The other two updates are just changing the theme for the res/values-v21/styles.xml to Material rather than Holo.

I'm guilty of dropping the ball on maintaining my apps, so I righted this wrong by updating them. I also uploaded the three of them to GitHub, as their major development is done. So others can follow up, if they'd like.

There was a problem with the signing key for Football Crest Quiz app, so I cannot publish the update to the Play Store.

Grab the updated apps from the Google Play store.

Android app on Google Play

The apps on GitHub: Charlie Foxtrot | Tip Calc | Football Crest Quiz