
Thursday 18 June 2015

Orwell Wheelers 2015 Club League Round 12: Black Bull 10M TT

Long Story Short

  • Recorded a 25:40, averaging 217 Watts and 38.1km/h,
  • I finished 3rd out of 19 riders in the Limit category,
  • I finished 34th out of 57 riders Overall,
  • I used clip on aerobars for the ride,
  • I had an alert set on the Garmin for when I dropped below Zone 4 (206 Watts).

View the ride on Strava: Orwell Wheelers 2015 Club League Round 12: Black Bull 10M TT Club Championships: 25:40. 3/19 in Limit, 34/57 Overall.

Short Story Long


I bought the Aerobars from Wiggle for €40. I set them up using the Turbo Trainer and did a twenty minute effort to get used to the position.

I posted on the Orwell Wheelers forum, asking if anyone was interested in joining me for some TT practice on the Saturday before the Time Trial. Barry said that he'd come too. We did three efforts, taking it easy on the first two efforts. I set a 26:44 on my last effort, averaging 201 Watts.

I took a few days rest, to let my body recover, as I had been training hard for the previous few days. I did some pre-race efforts on the Turbo Trainer.

I noticed, on my Saturday session, that I was dropping below Zone 4 on the mini-descents. I decided to set an alert on my Garmin. The alert would beep when my power dropped below Z4.

I ate a John West Tuna Steampot at 16:30 and two Bananas. I got dressed at 17:10 and was on the road for 17:20. I got up there for 17:55.


I decided against wearing the heart rate monitor, as I felt it was constricting my breathing in the TT position. I was wearing the gloves, short sleeve jersey and bib shorts. It was a lovely evening. I unpacked the bike and did a little spin to warm up. I did my loosening and stretching routine.

I tried to help a guy with his Garmin cadence sensor, but I was unsuccessful.

I picked up my number, which was 13. I put this on my seat tube. But I put the number on upside down, as this is tradition.

I went into my proper warm up routine, on the out and back course. Five one minute efforts at Z4 and then a 5 minute Z4 effort. I needed to take a slash before my time to trial.

As I got back I noticed that they were letting off the low numbers, so I figured that I had about ten minutes. I took a little drink and a Caffine Gel. I rolled up the road to take this slash. I found a nice place, balanced the bike. Then I looked at the time on my Garmin, 19:11. FUCK! I was supposed to be off at 19:13. I raced back to the start line, with a full bladder. Then I noticed that they were letting off number seven. SHITBALLS! I could've taken a lovely piss and been relaxed.

I figured that I was aiming for a 26:30, which I guessed would net me a 6th place finish in the Limit group.

I was getting pretty excited/nervous. 30 seconds. The guy who was holding me, I was not sure if he could hold me. 10 seconds. OK Luke, trust this guy to hold you. Five, Four, Three, Two, One...


Outward Leg

I was off. Out of the saddle, on the hoods, sprinting hard. I picked up enough speed and got back in the saddle and onto the aerobars. I looked at the Power Zone on the Garmin, I was in Z5. I needed to lower the power, but I didn't want to slow down. My legs were feeling weak. My brain was telling me this was stupid. I knew that this would happen, it's part of your Lizard brain, which tells you to take it easy and conserve energy for hunting. I overcame this, using the Jens Voigt method, "Shut up Lizard Brain".

As we went up the hill, my cadence was slowing, and the power was dropping. BEEP! Drop two gears, back in high Z5 for the climb. Crested the climb. BEEP! Shifted up three gears and the power was back up. This kept happening. I passed my minute man early. He wasn't going as hard as I was. I counted the mini-climbs. One, Two, Three. The fourth climb was up to the roundabout.

I seen my second minute man exiting the roundabout. Carrot on a stick. I had a marker of 15 minutes set for my time at the roundabout. I was just over 13 minutes. YES.

Return Leg

There was no traffic at the roundabout. I was on the hoods breathing deeply as I rounded the roundabout. I accelerated hard out of the roundabout. I had seen some riders doing this when I was marshaling the previous TT.

On the way back, there was three climbs, then Garmin was beeping. I could see the guy in front of me. I really wanted to catch him too. I knew that Sean was setting a serious tempo behind me, as he was very close on the roundabout.

On my TT practice, my under-carriage was experiencing some soreness at this stage. But now my saddle was pointed slightly downwards, so no soreness.

I was expecting a 26:30, but I was ahead of my expectations. I was planning on driving hard after 25 minutes. I did this. The finish line was looming. I had only accelerated for 40 seconds, as opposed to the 1:30 I was planning. I should've had the distance displayed on my Garmin.

As I crossed the line, accelerating the whole time, I shouted "thirteen", my number. I looked at my Garmin, it showed that I was in the high 25 minutes. I fist pumped the air and slowed down.


I wasn't dead, I could've gone a bit further. I picked up my bottle from the ground and took a sip. Then I started shaking. Jules was saying that I was looking well, for a guy after a TT. He beat me by one second, overall, as he is in Semi-Limit.

There was a small bit of talking afterwards. I told Sean that he was well inside a minute of my finishing time, so he was in the lead in the Limit group.

I rolled back to the car with Jules, having a little bit of chat. I didn't do any post ride stretches, which was a stupid idea, as I was walking like John Wayne the next day.

I packed up and went home to eat a pizza. I checked the Forum to see the results.

  1. Sean Higgins      25:07
  2. Barry Mooney      +   4 25:11
  3. Luke Potter       +  33 25:40
  4. Fergal Daly       +  35 25:42
  5. Roger McMorrow    +  40 25:47
  6. Brianne Mulvihill +1:21 26:28

What Was Learned

  • TT's are not the most sociable event,
  • The Power Meter and the Garmin Alarm was a great idea,
  • I should warm down correctly.

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