
Friday 2 March 2018

Huel Flavour Boosts Review

I recently ordered Huel's Offerings, the Granola and Bars, in my first order. Weeks later I ordered the Powder (Gluten Free, so my mom could try some). I got two of the 10 Pack Flavour Boost Taster Packs. Some flavours I liked, some I didn't, lets break it down.

I didn't enjoy the texture of the bars. I loved the Granola in my Porridge. I'm currently loving the Powder.

A Post-Taste Packs World

After you finish the ten Taster Packs, you are left with the choice:

  • To continue with the raw Huel taste. The taste is not bad, it just takes a few days to adjust to it.
  • Or order the 150g Flavour Boost Packs.
Firstly, the process to use the Flavour Boost Packs sounds annoying, as you now need to involve a spoon into the drink making process. The Taster Packs are sachets. The 150g packets, reduce the waste and packaging. Which is one of Huel's ideologies, in essence to reduce their carbon footprint. Even the delivery boxes are marked as carbon neutral.

What'll suck balls for me will be the Shipping Prices of these packs to get them to the Irish Republic. Huel offer free UK Mainland Delivery, and even sweet, sweet, beautiful Parcel Motel can't help out this ginger.

This isn't a paid post (as you'll see), but if you want to use my referral link for your next order, it'll get us both €10 Off Huel with Luke GJ Potter It'll help my shipping costs.

My Box, two of the 10 pack tasters and some extra Pooper Scoopers.

The Flavours Boost Packs

The flavours on offer are; Cacao, Caramel, Chocolate, Toffee, Pineapple & Coconut, Banana, Mocha, Strawberry, Rhubarb & Custard and Matcha Tea.

I'll rank them as I like them, the order that I would prefer to purchase a standalone Flavour Boost Pack. Most of the packs are £7.50, except the Matcha Tea which is £11.50, there is also a £4 Mince Pie flavour, that I didn't try, I'm not a Mince Pie eater. A Mince Pie stole my girlfriend when I was 15, we've been mortal enemies ever since.

1. Toffee

Hot dam, this baby was the second flavour boost that I tried. It was the business. The bee's knees. It was a nice smooth toffee, the likes you'd get in a Diam bar ...pack from IKEA.
It was a Friday morning, I'm not the type of delinquent who puts up FriYAY posts on Social Media, but this little number put a pep in my step. I was a little less snarky to my co-workers for five or ten minutes. I corrected this, by being extra sarcastic for the rest of the day.

2. Mocha

It was a Saturday morning, I had made my fortnightly pilgrimage across the country, from Dublin to Galway, the evening before to seen my dogs ...and also the family.
I've never had a Mocha coffee in my life. I'm a tough man from the West of Ireland. People like me don't need chocolate sauce in our coffees... because we only got coffee shops five years ago, and no one went into them.
This Mocha flavour was smooth, super smooth. It was everything I dreamed it would be. If I was a cockney from London, I'd have uttered a swift "Naughty" after every mouthful of this flavour.
Huel have a recipe recommendation to drop an espresso shot into the drink with some Ice. If this Mocha flavour was any indication to go by, I'll try that recipe sometime.

3. Cacao

"Ugh, ugh, piss, fucking Chocolate, get it a way from me" were my mother's words before going to mass on Sunday. She could try Huel as it has a Gluten free option, which I availed of. She uttered these anti-Chocolate words, where she was inseparable from a Dairy Milk bar fifteen years prior.
This Cacao flavouring was really nice, it was like a low percent Dark Chocolate.
I'd give this flavour another go in future.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate was nice. It was very, very similar to the Cacao flavour. As Cacao is higher on this list, I'd rather buy that flavour boost pack over Chocolate.
It was a Monday when I tried this flavour. I'm not one of those retards who put up FriYAY and anti-Monday Social Media Posts. I get on with it, so a hit of Chocolate on a Monday morning, had no more or less significance on my life than the tin of Fanta that my co-worker cracked open at 10:01am. I just realised that that sentence didn't make any sence, but it's been typed and it can stay there now.

5. Strawberry

Strawberry is a solid offering, everyone has a strawberry flavouring. It was the nicest smelling offering. I passed the sachet around the office for people to smell. One team member was a little interested in Huel for it's vitamin contents.
Not too many were interested in the environmental ideals of Huel. Then again they think that plastics go in the compost bin. Most of my co-workers put FriYAY stickers on their Insta Stories, yet don't make use of the weekend to go on new adventures.

6. Pineapple & Coconut

This was a very sweet flavour. Pineapple has gotten a bad rep in recent weeks. The meme about Pineapple not being a pizza topping divided the world into two camps, Normal people and Hawaiian Savages.
I've never had time, personally, for Coconuts or their bullshit. One nibble of a Bounty bar and you can consider your day ruined.
I'd probably not buy this flavour, as there's nicer ones available.

7. Caramel

This was the first flavour that I tried. I didn't like it. It was a smokey Caramel. It was not like the caramel you'd find in a Cadbury's bar, or a Millionaire's Shortcake (vegans are going to disavow me now that I have admitted to eating these products).
It was bitter, like a bottle of Caramel sauce from Starbucks.
I think that me not liking it was in part down to the fact that it was my first Huel drink. I think that all the new mouth stimuli clouded my judgement. I got two flavour boost packs, to ensure that I could try flavours more than once. I'll try the Caramel again. I'm hoping for better.

8. Rhubarb & Custard

I left this one until last in my flavour pack. I've never like Rhubarb. I sniffed it and was brought back to my mother's kitchen when she was making Trifle. Piss off Rhubarb, you are not a desert, you are a punishment.
Custard is alright, I suppose. But it hangs around in some questionable company.
This flavour wasn't too strong, but it was not as nice as the other's above it.

9. Banana

Anything banana flavoured is minging. Full. Stop. This was no exception. I would tell Banana flavour to "fuck off back to where it came from", but it would probably respond "Do you know da wey?"

10. Matcha

When making this list, I put my number one choice at the top of the list, then I started from the bottom, number 10 was easy, Matcha.
Who likes this garbage? I've not done any research on Matcha Tea, but fuck me that shit was vile. It's the most expensive one, as it contains real Matcha Tea. I'd unMatcha with this flavour on Tinder.

I hope y'all got some value, or entertainment from this post, if you're making another Huel order, please consider using my referral link to get us both £10 (it's the Queen's Money :D but still), it'll cover my shipping costs for my next Huel order.

€10 Off Huel with Luke GJ Potter

I saved the Rhubarb and Custard until last, as it brought back Childhood Trauma.

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