
Thursday 18 March 2021

Search Strings for Pokémon GO Pokémon that Evolve when Traded

Hi, I've gotten back into Pokémon GO in the Covid-19 Pandemic. It is basically the only thing getting me out of the house at the moment. Me and my two poor legs competing against hackers.

The following Pokémon Evolve by Trade, or like 100 or 200 candy:

  • Kadabra    -> Alakazam
  • Machoke    -> Machamp
  • Graveler   -> Golem
  • Haunter    -> Gengar
  • Boldore    -> Gigalith
  • Gurrdurr   -> Conkeldurr
  • Karrablast -> Escavalier
  • Shelmet    -> Accelgor
  • Phantump   -> Trevenant
  • Pumpkaboo  -> Gourgeist

The aim of this post is to provide you with search strings to find these Pokémon, or their previous evolutions where applicable.

You can then collaborate with a friend to evolve these mons, or use the Tags feature.

This string will use Pokédex numbers to give the Pokémon that can evolve and their pre-evolution.

  • 63,64,66,67,74,75,92,93,524,525,532,533,588,616,708,710

This string will enable you to find the full evolution lines of the traded mons. This is probably better to find the evolved Pokémon if you're just doing touch trades with the friend.

  • +alakazam,+machamp,+golem,+gengar,+gigalith,+conkeldurr,+escavalier,+accelgor,+trevenant,+gourgeist

If you want to know more about the Pokémon GO Trading Feature, please check EuroGamer's article:

Thanks and Enjoy,

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